transform your website into a POWERFUL lead generation tool.
Gain Valuable Insights From Your Website Traffic in Real-Time.
How much do you really know about the potential customers that visit your website each day? Would you like to know more? We have a simple yet effective solution that will provide your sales team with the warm leads they want and the analytics and reporting your marketing team is looking for. Go beyond Google Analytics.
Here's How It Works A potential customer visits your website. Once they exit your site, an email alert is instantly sent to you with information about the visiting company, including name, source and keywords used, first page visited, and best of all, a list of names, job titles, email addresses, phone numbers, and more about the company and potential site visitor. This information can be used by the sales team for phone follow-up, and by marketing for list building and segmentation, email outreach, and extract the keywords used to improve SEO and PPC campaigns.